
  • Hey, what do you usually have for lunch? *forced smile* What are you going to eat for lunch today?Nothing. What does that mean? I mean, why?I don’t have money. My downhearted conversation with 23-year-old who is pregnant with second child. Don’t have money to eat lunch – this sentence cracked my heart. We eat at least…

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  • I see you are desperate enough to know the mistakes I made in life. Huh! My heart is closest to India. Reason? I spent my active six years and shaped career in this country. I made friends for life. Some dearest connections. Unnumbered well-wishers. India has given me a lot. Probably more than I anticipated.…

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  • Hey! What’s up? I just stopped by to say hello. And to share a beautiful quote I recently churned out. As I mentioned in the heading, it’s – Be the hope you never lost. Good day, cheers!!!

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  • The topic was something I wanted to discuss with my readers when I came here in the US for the first time in 2017. Now when I am here again, I had to write about it anyway. According to a research organization, more than one million people enter the US every year with an American…

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  • I am excited, nervous. Diverse emotions hitting my mind at the same time. 15 years back, I entered professional world. Didn’t heed what others (family, society) said just to chase my passion for media. Because media was/is the only thing I could think of, to pursue my dream. Today, when I look back, I feel grateful for…

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  • I don’t know how to react to this instance. So, I had to share this with you all. As usual, I took an autorickshaw this eve from office to room. It was about to 8 I guess. While we were just reaching my house, I remembered that I had to pick some fruits, so I…

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  • This eve, I visited the regular fruit shop. Unlike other days, I was not in hurry and thought of spending easy time there. The staff I usually deal with, was busy doing his stuff and was frequently putting eyes on his mobile screen at the same time. I asked what he’s watching. He simply replied that…

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  • Here’s another episode of my travel story which mostly has sad content. I am sharing this all not to gather sympathy but to make people aware of the unexpected instances that come our way, so that anybody can get the idea of getting less troubles when similar stuff happens to them. Three months back, I…

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  • 1. When you start making a go, you will find many people with several mindset around you. Some would wish you good luck and many would laugh at you that you are walking stairs to reach the 9th floor. 2. Are you sure, you will make it? — If you share your idea of walking on your…

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  • How long have you been driving rickshaw?” I asked a young guy just like I do with almost every rickshaw driver. “It’s been just a month”, he replied. “What were you doing before this?”, I was curious. “I was a painter, worked for a vendor”, he answered. My two questions at a time — Why did you…

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