
  • I don’t like American women. Gee! Why so? Aren’t they beautiful? Aren’t they trustworthy? They can’t be trusted. So, are you single, then? I am single for 25 years now. Really? Yes! Someday soon, I will go to a small country like Nepal, find a young girl for me. Bring her here. She won’t have…

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  • Without wasting a moment, I book Uber and leave the airport. Driver says, hotel is seven minutes away.  I am excited to explore the new city and its people. I haven’t googled anything about this place. Intentionally. I do some casual conversation with driver.  As I get off the cab, Uber guy extends wishes for…

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  • Traveling comes with a lot of fun and learning. But lack of preparation that needs to be done before entering airport could leave you with sadness and regret. Just like when I made these mistakes during my visit to places. Read below and make sure you do not commit these travel mistakes. 1. Leaving old tag/s…

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  • Merry Christmas… Would you like to have some Christmas candies? Oh, thank you so much, sir. I wish you the same. Thank you for the candies, I am taking two.  Ah, sure. You have it.  I had a candied conversation with a charming 70 years young Uber driver today.  He was so amazing. Ambiance inside…

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  • Once I wrote: In a life full of hassles, we often forget to ask ourselves, “are you okay?” How often we take time to pamper ourselves and shower love? Hardly, right? Recently I wrote an article on self-love for a renowned women-centric platform Mashion. I thought of sharing some motivation, here, too. You can read…

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  • 1. Sadness is a part of your daily routine 2. You often feel like confining yourself in bedroom 3. You often turn pessimistic, helpless and hopeless 4. You feel alone 5. You find it difficult to concentrate on any task 6. You feel like bursting into tears anytime anywhere 7. You get suicidal thoughts 8.…

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  • My happiness gets larger when I am not around people and that is what makes me feel complete.  I write this blog as I sit on yoga mat on the balcony of my flat, holding my beloved laptop, one fine Sunday, with an adorable cup of tea beside me. I never loved my MacBook this much…

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  • There are days when you feel like you are conquering the world. And then, there are days when you see your dreams fading away, leaving you apathetic. Which one is the illusion? I shared this thought a few days ago on Facebook, received several views from people on the same. That was one more day of…

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  • “Leena di, kuch laaye ho khane ko?” (Leena di, do you have anything to eat?) “Leena di, aaj mann nahi lag raha hai, sham ko chaloge kahi?” (Leena di, I’m not feeling good today, let’s go somewhere this eve.) Anything I miss the most these days is, his verbal presence. Our conversations inside office, our…

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  • Hey! In my previous article, you read about the things one should know before moving to the US. Here, I am sharing with you some pointers that will make you understand what you must strictly avoid in the US.  Remember, in the US, No means No.  1. Terrorism isn’t funny 2. Avoid discussing race, gender,…

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